Sunday, January 1, 2012

Of Paper and Verse

She was standing at the sink washing dishes as we three youngers, sat at the table bouncing ideas for blog names back and forth to each other.  When our boy shouted out "Imagination Nexus", she glanced knowingly over her shoulder.  She is no stranger to good ideas.  
Oh the words that have found their way from her heart to paper over the years.  Though not widely published and shy about her ability, my mother is the first best writer I've ever read.  I find it only fitting that our first exhibitor be Sally Eshelman who nurtured His seeds of creativity in my own life from my first memories.

This poem was written while flying from the east coast to the west, overlooking the beautiful Cascade Mountain Range.

In Flight

I soar the heights, the clouded sky, a white-puffed sea below.
Is heaven's gate a likeness of this realm I do not know?
The artist's brush may imitate, The poet's verse applaud;
But beauty such as this is authored solely by our God.
                                                          Sally Eshelman

How fitting an introduction to our parade of artistic endeavor!  Thanks Mom!

Sally Eshelman with daughter, Kara


  1. Wonderful - and what a wonderful place to begin!
    I didn't know, I'm thankful to know now (:
    I hope to see/read/hear more in the months to come from Mom E [:

    I'm so excited for this leg of the journey, can't wait to see all He brings about as you "reflect our Creator, the Beautiful One." i'm so excited to see "what will happen when we are more about what we produce, than what we consume? More about what we give than what we take?

    My hypothesis is that there is life and living and fruitfulness in this."

    yes. definitely.

    Hugs & smiles,

  2. Girl - love this blog! Beautiful! Thank you for reminding me that God so enjoys seeing his children sharing the talents he's given them, not to mention the fun they have along the way! Looking forward to walking this road with you and yours!!
