Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Of Paper and Verse

A gray head is a crown of glory;
         It is found in the way of righteousness  Prov. 16:31

 Truth in the Mirror

The lines in my face
Take time to develop.
Are proof
Of joy, happiness, cheer,
Many days given as gifts,
Many second chances,
A sentiment not to be tossed aside
As lesser gifts so often are
From lesser givers.
But these gifts from Him,
Lovingly etched 
into the skin
I wear everyday.
For all to see that I have loved well,
and been well loved.
And this is beauty.

"For the LORD sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart.”  1 Samuel 16:7b

Why the homely to thank Him?

In blemished skin,
Thin lips, limp hair,
Gangly or overly plump,
Yellowed teeth crookedly set,
Shoulders given to slump;
Though common the look
 Of this one once lost,
Purchased by blood
Of the highest cost;
A lovelier saint He does not see
Than the one 
Who can't claim 'worldly'.

Kara Liechty


  1. "than the one who can't say worldly" – that, my friend, is a good thing to read. I have never spoken "worldly" very well – never really fit in – not big enough, not strong enough, not confident enough, but in the kingdom of God – well – it's better – love is better. I clicked over from your other site to read this – and I'm happy I was here. Thank you Kara, and God bless and keep you and each and every one of yours!

  2. Craig,

    Thank you brother. :) I don't do 'worldly' very well, either.

    Hey anytime you want to grace this here blog with some of your fantastic writing, please, let me know! You are so gifted.

